
Fresca Natural is Very Vegan

I was asked this week if Fresca Natural products are vegan? ABSOLUTELY YES! Fresca Natural is very Vegan!

None of Fresca Natural’s products contain any animal ingredients AND are not tested on animals.
Make sure that you read the ingredients on the labels of your products to make sure. Consider ingredients like bees wax, propolis, dairy, leather, fur, silk (often used in creams and serums), castor oil (used in cosmetic creams), lanolin, keratin, musk, tallow, butter fat, lactose, casein, mono and di-glycerides, shellac (used in nail polish), lard, vitamin D3 and whey powder to name a few.

There are some great websites that explain “vegan” very well and are worth a read.

As there is no official certification scheme in Australia for Vegan products, we have done the next best thing and are certified Against Animal Testing from the Australian Choose Cruelty Free organisation. We love their work and all the things they do for the animals.

Stay happy. Love our animals.
Elda xox

Fresca Natural products are Vegan

Fresca Natural products are Vegan

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